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Business Breakfast – High-value added tasks in Business Service Centers

Mariott Hotel Apáczai Csere János utca 4., Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

The natural progression in the lifecycle of the service centers is to obtain more high-value-added services. That is why we feel there is a need to address critical questions regarding the wishes, opportunities, and capabilities of the Hungarian business services sector.


Business Breakfast – Future of Work

Kinnarps Showroom Váci út 92., Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

The first business outlook’s focus topic was The Future of Work. We have already asked you in January to participate in this questionnaire – now let us share some of the results with you on along with an interesting discussion about the topic.


Roundtable Discussion


We are happy to introduce the new online event series that we have created as an exclusive opportunity for C+ level leaders in the Business Services Sector.

Business Breakfast – Provision 2027 – Hungarian Business Services Sector

Kinnarps Showroom Váci út 92., Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

The second business outlook’s focus topic was Provision 2027 – Hungarian Business Services Sector. We have already asked you in April to participate in this questionnaire – now let us share some of the results with you on along with an interesting discussion about the topic.


General Assembly

Kinnarps Showroom Váci út 92., Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

The HOA is going to have its next General Assembly on the 25th of May. One of the key points of the agenda is the election of new Board members. Negotiations with the ABSL are underway for the HOA to transform into ABSL Hungary, which will greatly expand our opportunities to act in the interest of the sector.

BSC Directors VIP Wine Tasting

St. Andrea SkyBar Deák Ferenc utca 5 Váci 1. Office Building Rooftop, Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

This is a VIP invitation-only event focused on top executives of Budapest-based Business Service Centers.

Budapest BSC Charity Beach Volleyball Tournament

Lupa Beach Tó utca, Budakalász, Pest megye, Hungary

The 1st annual Budapest BSC Charity Beach Volleyball Tournament is a joint cooperation between ABSL Hungary and European Business Services Association (EBSA).

ABSL Hungary Legal Webinar


Legal Webinar (via Zoom) on the 13th of July from 9 AM with Dr. Gábor T. Fodor about the transposition of two EU directives that are expected to be a major labor-related administrative task.

5000 Ft

ABSL Hungary Cheer-Up Party

Budai Gesztenyés Nagyvendéglő Szanatórium u. 2,, Budakeszi, Pest megye

Join us for a toast and a tasty dinner to celebrate our ABSL rebranding!
