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An informal get-together for BSC Directors in Hungary

Kinnarps Showroom Váci út 92., Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

HOA has been developing its international relations further, strengthening the existing cooperation with the CEE BSC Awards, and a new joint project shall also be presented at the event.

Business Breakfast – Leader of the future


The key points we will be touching on are the adaptive mentality that is necessary to lead a team to success, the skillset that best fits this and how to build it, employer branding and technical development aspects, and last but not least, the importance of leadership maturity in change management. How to build a successful multi-generational team, how to divide tasks, and how to implement mentoring for more efficient collaboration?

Business Breakfast – High-value added tasks in Business Service Centers

Mariott Hotel Apáczai Csere János utca 4., Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

The natural progression in the lifecycle of the service centers is to obtain more high-value-added services. That is why we feel there is a need to address critical questions regarding the wishes, opportunities, and capabilities of the Hungarian business services sector.
