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Budapest BSC Charity Beach Volleyball Tournament
June 9, 2022

The 1st annual Budapest BSC Charity Beach Volleyball Tournament is a joint cooperation between ABSL Hungary and European Business Services Association (EBSA).
The event is 100% focused on employees of Business Services Centers – and comes on the heels of 4 successful years in Poland, where EBSA organize these Tournaments in the 4 largest BSC hubs: Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, and Gdansk.
Calendar 2022:
- Budapest, 9 June – Lupa Beach
- Wroclaw: 23 August
- Gdansk: 25 August
- Krakow: 30 August
- Warsaw: 1st September
Attendance and Numbers:
In our first year in Budapest, European Business Services Association (EBSA) is pleased to be partnering with the Hungarian Outsourcing Association (HOA). We expect about 10 Business Services Centers to participate with Corporate teams, and more than 150 attendees to join in the Tournament and After-parties.
BSCs will compete against each other for the top Trophies (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) and “bragging rights” for an entire year. In addition to being a bundle of fun, the BSC Charity Beach Volleyball Tournament is a great way to build pride among your BSC employees, encourage teamwork, and provide an opportunity to socialize and exercise at the same time.
The top Winner of each Tournament will receive a 2500euro donation to the Charity of the BSC’s choice. So lots of incentive to win!
12:30 Registration
13:30 Opening and Start of the Tournament.
13:30 – 17:30 Tournament Play.
17:30 – 18:00 Awards Ceremony (Trophies, medals, Charity prize, etc.)
18:00 – 22:30 After-Sports Party: All Participating Teams receive 7 Bracelets for the evening (18:00 start) After-Sports Party (grill-food; open bar: Beer, Wine, soft drinks). (estimated attendance in Budapest: 100+).
Full Details and Registration at www.SSCVolleyball.pl
(ABSL Hungary members have a 10% discount on the Team Registration fee.)